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2016-07-01 11:10:06 阅读:(宏博太奇考研

  七月伊始,开启了后半年MPAcc备考复习的征途,更加预示着备考时间已过大半,是时候“着急”起来了。太奇MPAcc老师在前期为大家进行了各类题型的辅导铺垫,那么在后半年备考不足200天的日子里,针对 2017届MPAcc备考学子们,太奇MPAcc老师则着重整理测试练习题目,希望对大家有所帮助。

  1. Some women ______ a good salary in a job instead of staying home,but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

  A) must make

  B) should have made

  C) would make

  D) could have made

  1、[D]。情态动词。A项must make表示“必须做……”,这与句子的时态和意思不符;C项would make表示过去某个时点上的将来,或者用于表示将来或现在时间的虚拟语气中,不合句意;B项should have made表示“本应当”,即过去应该做而又实际未作,与句意不符;D项could have made表示“本来已能够”,与句意相符。


  2. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _______it.

  A) postpone

  B) refuse

  C) delay

  D) cancel

  2、A) postpone 推迟 B) refuse 拒绝 C) delay 推迟 D) cancel取消



  3. These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you _______ you need.

  A) all the information

  B) all the informations

  C) all of information

  D) all of the informations

  3、[A]。不可数名词的用法。information是不可数名词,所以不能用复数,排除B、D两项。all修饰名词时,要么用all the+名词,要么用all of the+名词。


  4. Not until the game had begun_______ at the sports ground.

  A) had he arrived

  B) would he have arrived

  C) did he arrive

  D) should he have arrived

  4、[C]。not until的用法。在他到达运动场前比赛已经开始,所以空格处应选用过去时。其次,not until从句前置,后面的主句要用倒装。


  5. Young people are not _______ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

  A) conservative

  B) content

  C) confident

  D) generous

  5、A) conservative保守的 B) content 满足的 C) confident 自信的 D) generous慷慨的

  [B]。动词辨析。根据下文意思,得出前半句意思。根据意思选择动词。 be content to do或be content with sth,意思是满足于……。
