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2016-06-13 09:55:39 阅读:(宏博太奇考研

  六月入夏,预示着备考时间已过大半,是时候“着急”起来了。在以往的各类型英语考试中,阅读理解的分值比重一直让考生们又爱又恨,MPAcc英 语考试更是如此。针对 2017届MPAcc备考学子们,太奇MPAcc整理关于MPAcc管理类联考英语阅读的关键短语考点,希望对大家有所帮助。

  1.with the exception of (=except, apart from)除去…。,除…以外

  2. in excess of (=more than)超过

  3. exchange…for以…交换

  4. exclusive of (=not taking into account; without)不包括

  5. in excuse of作为…的借口

  6. exert…on…对…施加…

  7. exert oneself to do sth.努力,使劲

  8. come into existence (=begin to exist)开始存在; come into use开始使用; come into effect开始运转; come into fashion开始时新; come into action开始行动; come into power开始执政; come into sight进入视野;come into blossom开花;

  9. (be) in existence存在come into existence出现

  10. expect…of在…期望…