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2014-04-28 10:18:46 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  1.We rarely perceive more than a minute ____of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs;the great majority pass us by.

  A)fiction B)function C)fraction D)friction

  答案:C fraction 一小部分;分数。fiction 小说;虚构(的情况) 。function 作用,功能,职责。friction 摩擦;矛盾。

  2.She dropped the bowl on the floor, and it broke into ____.

  A) fractions B) fragments C) friction D)fiction

  答案:B fragment 碎片,破片。fraction 片断,小分部;分数。friction 摩擦力,冲突。fiction 虚构的事,小说。

  3.To be ____with you, I have cheated him of some dollars.

  A) generous B) true C)frank D)straight

  答案:C frank 表示“坦率”,指以自己的言行,态度,无保留地表示自己的思想或感情。

  4.I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be derived ____it.

  A) of B) from C) off D)with

  答案:B derive (from) 得到,获得。

  5.The dean is so bossy that he often____ down other teachers' opposition.

  A) freezes B) frowns C) whips D) wrecks

  答案:B frown down somebody’s opposition 用不悦的表情使人不再敢反对。freeze 结冰,突然不能动,僵化。whip 抽打;wreck (船只等) 失事。