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2014-04-16 11:40:50 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  1.Stone does not ____,and so the tools of long ago have remained.

  A) spoil B) rot C) decay D) damage

  答案:C 本题题干的意思为:石头不会腐烂。A项中的spoil 意为“损坏,破坏”。D 项中的damage意为“损害,损坏”。 A、D 放在空中显然不合题意。B 项的rot 虽意为“腐烂”,但常用指鸡蛋、水果等的腐烂。decay 意为“(石头,牙齿的)腐烂”。

  2.The secret agent concealed her real mission, therefore many local people were____into thinking that she was a good person.

  A) betrayed B) driven C) deceived D) convinced

  答案:C be deceived into doing sth. 被骗做某事,其他三个词无此搭配。

  3.This movie is not ____for children to see:it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.

  A) profound B) valid C) upright D) decent

  答案:D decent 像样的,恰当的。profound 深刻的,深深的。valid 站得住脚的,(在法律上)有效的。upright 笔直的。

  4.Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could____.

  A) descend B) decline C) deteriorate D) depress

  答案:B decline 下降,减弱。descend 走下来,落下。deteriorate 恶化。depress 使低沉,使抑郁;使不景气,使萧条。

  5.Crisis would be the right term to describe the____ in many animal species.

  A) minimization B) restriction C) descent D) decline

  答案:D decline 下降,衰退,衰弱。minimization 减到最少,减到最低限度。restriction 限制,限制性规定。descent 下落,走下来,走下坡。